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QMPF’s 2018/19 financial year at a glance

As we come to the end of our financial year, we reflect on another successful period advising in our core sectors but also tapping into a number of new areas!

QMPF’s 2018/19 financial year at a glance:

  • Advised Kingdom Housing Association on its £85m debut private placement which was unprecedented in the Scottish Sector for its size and the strength of investor interest.
  • Lead advisor to St. Modwen Properties plc on the sale of its 2,029-bed purpose-built accommodation asset to UPP, generating a total cash consideration of £87.3m.
  • Continued to expand our district heating knowledge with over a dozen appointments on work developing investment grade business cases, strategic advice for procurement of a DBFM heat project, assistance with grant applications, funding gap analysis and review of the financing implications for extension of operational schemes.
  • Advised shareholders, including Downing LLP and Future Biogas, on the sale of a further 3 anaerobic digestion facilities, raising over £54m.
  • Continued our advice to hub West by advising on its £30m health bundle which closed in December 2018.
  • Advised Universities on issuing a number of private placements, securing £165m in funding.
  • Advised on a University acquisition of its joint venture partner’s stake in its 622 bed residences SPV.
  • Advised the University of Exeter on delivering 2 transactions involving a further 1,564 beds with total funding of £181m by extending its existing partnership with UPP.
  • After a review of our carbon emissions from travel and donations to 3 Gold Standard carbon offset projects, we became carbon neutral from a transport perspective.  We will apply this approach each year going forward to ensure our business travel continues to be carbon neutral.
  • Expanded our team by recruiting Andrew Wilkinson (ex-Macquarie Green Investment Group), Becca Herron (ex-PwC), Doug Kyle (ex-TCAM asset management) and Hannah Watt (recent Mechanical Engineering Graduate).

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