Berwickshire Housing Association
QMPF is pleased to have supported Berwickshire Housing Association (“BHA”) with its successful refinancing of Hoprigshiels Community Wind Farm.
This 7.5 MW wind farm is owned by BHA (66.7%) and Community Energy Scotland (33.3%). It is located near Cockburnspath in Berwickshire and was financed through construction with debt funding from Triodos Bank and sub-ordinated debt from REIF. The wind farm became operational in 2017 and has performed well over the period.
QMPF assisted the wind farm Board in establishing if there was financial merit in restructuring the SPV. This was undertaken with a combination of internal financial market knowledge and insight, together with a limited scope market testing exercise. Following this QMPF assisted with the understanding and integration of the proposed term sheet and participated in discussions with Triodos who provided debt in the project refinancing.
We continue to support BHA by providing ongoing treasury advice.
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